Secure scanning
1st Choice is an expert at helping clients convert their data to digital formats via secure scanning solutions. We understand the importance of customer service, quality and accuracy in your document scanning and records management projects. With our state-of-the-art scanning equipment and OCR capabilities your files will be scanned faster and more accurately. We scan and index all of your files in a timely manner and at a competitive price. We help you plan the entire process and do all of it securely on-site or off-site at your discretion. We offers the option to move your files, digital documents and legacy data to the Cloud. Once done it will allow you to create workflows.
1st Choice scans various types of documents to include:
- Large format engineering and architectural drawings
- Large format color maps, artwork or renderings
- Aperture cards and various microfilm media types
- Office and technical documents
- Slide and transparencies
- Story boards (varies based upon thickness of board)
- Aerial photos
- Old frayed archival documents such as blue prints
Large Format Scanning Service with 1st Choice:
If you have large format engineering files, architectural designs, construction drawings, maps or other large format technical drawings that need to be scanned 1st Choice creates customized scanning service solutions to meet your needs. If you need help designing your organizations scanning and indexing project we can assist with processing that request.
Our large format scanning service includes cleanup of background debris on older drawings, rotation of the image for best viewing, background suppression & document de-skewing. We can create multi-page TIFF, PDF or any other file format you desire. We can do this at whatever resolution you require.
Completion of large format scanning projects are determined by the number of files, the complexity and condition of your originals. Several scanners that can handle different types of drawings can be utilized if necessary for the expedited completion your project.